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Wonderful father, I give thee my sight
as I gaze upon men, their sufferings and plight
Use me sweet Lord, let me shine your light
let me share your message
and make the world bright
Blessed Redeemer, I give thee my speech
I give you my singing and my highest pitch
Use me dear Lord that your word I may teach
so from evil to good the lost ones would switch
Passionate Lover, I give thee my heart
First cleanse all the filth, all the bitter tarts
then use me dear Lord, set me on that path
To tell men the truth so from sin they will part
Amazing Potter , I give thee my touch
as I strive to influence and make men's life lush
Use me my Lord, let me shine your torch,
so evil and wickedness your love will crush
Most Righteous Saviour, I give thee my feet
my walking, my moving, as I stand and sit
Use me dear Lord, let my footsteps lit
the path which will lead all men to mercy's seat
Marvelous Giver, I give thee my gifts
all of the talents you have blessed me with
take all dear Lord, use as you deem fitb>
for as you've given Lord, I give all to thee.
©Coral Pearl
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